What is a Community Church

A “Community Church” is a Church that grows out of the life of the community. It is neither planted nor transplanted from the outside. it grows out of the hopes and needs and aspirations of the people of the community. It is a native product of the life of the community.

The Community Church serves all the community, and claims the whole of the community as its parish. It is in fellowship with all Churches of Christ, and welcomes all who love the Lord Jesus Christ to its fellowship and membership, regardless of sect or denomination. It invites to the Lord’s Table all who “truly and earnestly repent of their sins and are in love and charity with their neighbors and desire to lead a new life following the commandments of God,” regardless of their affiliations.

St Timothy Media Ministry

This is one of our Sunday morning services that is Live Streamed to Social Media Channels.  During the COVID pandemic we are practicing Social Distancing with limited seating in the sanctuary.  You can view our program on our YouTube page and on our site. 

Become a member

(219) 977-0079

Address 1600 W.25th  Ave,Gary Indiana 46404

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