About Pastor Rameen M. Jackson

Reverend Dr. Rameen M. Jackson is an anointed, uniquely gifted and powerful preacher and teacher of God’s word. He is a leader that is dedicated to the work of Christ Jesus. He was born, and raised his family on the East End of Long Island, New York. He attended the Riverhead Schools and graduated with his Regents Diploma. Dr. Jackson furthered his education by attending the SUNY Old Westbury University in Westbury, New York and completed his B.A. Degree in Industrial Labor and Relations. After accepting his call into ministry, he decided to further his theological studies at New Brunswick Theological Seminary completing a Masters of Divinity degree. Dr. Jackson then completed his Doctoral Studies at Virginia Union University Samuel Dewitt Proctor School of Theology, graduating in May of 2017 with a Doctorate of Ministry Degree. His doctoral focus was entitle “Being a Voice for the Voiceless: Developing Resources to Aid the Holistic needs of Returning Citizens.” He has demonstrated over the year’s faithful service in working with the youth, mentoring young men, helping the poor and giving back to the community. He uses his gifts in preaching, teaching, singing, worship and praise leader, song writer and a musician all to the Glory of God.
Dr. Jackson is a licensed and ordained Baptist preacher, who had started his ministry with a Saturday night service called, ”The Saturday Night Experience”, which was a night of power for those not churched. This ministry grew in attendance and spiritual growth. Many were saved under his Outreach ministry entitled, ”AIMES”, which stands for Approach, Inform, Mentor, Empower and Save. He along with a staff of 40 people spearheaded two major youth events, which were the Annual Youth Summit and Youth Conference. Both events gathered over 300 youth in the New York Area. His ministry with the youth has affected hundreds of young people and many souls have come to Christ.
Dr. Rameen M. Jackson belonged to community organizations and/or has served in a leadership capacity for the Riverhead Rotary Club, Riverhead Central School District’s Business Advisory Board, NAACP executive board member, Youth Basket Ball League, Long Island Council of Churches, Virginia Baptist State Convention’s executive board member, Tidewater Metro Ministers’ Conference treasurer, Tidewater Baptist Associations Minister of Music and Auditor, Norfolk Pastors’ Coalition vice-chairman and Norfolk State University Faith Partner’s Network. He started his spiritual growth at the Friendship Baptist Church of Riverhead New York, under the pastoral care of the Reverend A. Charles McElroy. He later joined the First Baptist Church of Riverhead New York with Rev. Charles A. Coverdale. In 2008, he was led by God to join the Faith Baptist Church of Coram New York, under the pastoral leadership and mentorship of the Rev. Dr. Beresford Adams.
On May 31, 2011 he was voted in pastor-elect of the First Baptist Church of Logan Park, Norfolk, Virginia. On Sunday September 25, 2011 Dr. Jackson was installed as pastor and served 7 years till Sunday, September 23, 2018.
On October 1, 2018 Dr. Jackson accepted his assignment and God’s call to be Senior Pastor of St. Timothy Community Church, Gary, Indiana. He currently serves as pastor and teacher over God’s flock.
Dr. Jackson has preached youth services, revivals, men’s conferences and facilitated workshops all over Long Island, New York City, New Jersey, Virginia area, as well as other states. His purpose is to give God all the honor and praise, which He deserves. He doesn’t allow anything or anyone to stop him from doing the work the Lord has called him to do. The Lord continues to open doors and Dr. Jackson continues to walk right in. He follows the direction of the Holy Spirit and preaches with power and under the anointing of God. His key verse is, Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me”. Dr. Jackson understands that “Quitting Is Not an Option”, when there are so many souls at stake.